Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Five more days until the big event…

What we have left to do? We, the class, did accomplished many things on our list to do such as discussed/planned for the event, worked on ASKS, participated outside events in the local community, and completed documentation projects. However, we have many things to do before and during the big event. Some of us need to work on food preparation before the event arrives. Others need to get ready for the set up and decorations.

What tasks do I need to accomplish or finish up this week? The major tasks are helping whatever I can with the event and writing my final papers for the class and internship.

The history committee is almost done with the program. I already saw the program and I’m happy with the result. We, the committee, need to discuss about the set up on our station and what we need to do.

I’m looking forward for the big event in five days. I hope we will reach our fundraiser goal and enjoy ourselves during the event.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Committee and interpreters

Over the past week, my history committee worked on several different projects. Katie is working on design of the gala’s program. I am assisting her. Brendan is working on the green map. The program and the green map will join together as one copy. Calvin and Dustin are working on radio show with others. So far we are still in the process of developing the program and green map since we need information, stories, and letters to complete it soon.

For my internship with Dr. King, I’m working on a project that pulls interpreters to the gala hoping to draw the Deaf community (for example, ASL Baltimore Region Meetup) in Baltimore to attend. I’m working with my interpreter coordinator (from UMBC) to ask CCBC students who are practicing to become interpreters to accept the job without payment. But these CCBC students will benefit from this since they need the practicing hours for their course and mentoring from experienced interpreters. The experienced interpreters will get paid through UMBC by interpreting for me as a UMBC student. It is a win and win situation with no necessary expense.